Simul Support ExchangeCategory: Sky and LightingHow to clear the fog/Atmosphere
lwc171672538 asked 4 years ago

I don’t know it’s fog or atmosphere,it will cause my scene not to be clear,In some cases, I need clear scenes.
What should I do?

lwc171672538 replied 4 years ago

When I’m above the clouds, Scene it’s not clear,It looks like it’s caused by fog

lwc171672538 replied 4 years ago

Is there a way to turn off this rendering, not turn off TrueSky rendering, because I also want blue sky…

1 Answers
James - Simul Support Staff answered 4 years ago


We do not currently have a way to completely remove the atmospheric effects – but it is something we are considering. Try adjusting your sky layer variables such as maximum elevation.