Simul Support ExchangeCategory: Sky and LightingFeatures and visuals for Unity
Mikael Engfors asked 4 years ago

Hi, I have a few pre-purchase questions relating to features and visuals in unity:
1. Does trueSky support exactly the same feature set in Unity as in unreal engine?
2. Is possible to achieve similar visuals for the trueSky clouds and atmosphere in Unity as in unreal engine?
3. I have not been able to find any videos that demonstrate the visual capabilities with trueSky in Unity. Are there any such videos that you could provide?

1 Answers
Andrew Richards Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi Michael, 
trueSKY has the exact same feature set in Unity and Unreal Engine. You can achieve similar visuals, as the underlying rendering code shared between the two engines. You might want to consider using the 2019 HDRP version of the trueSKY Unity plugins.
As for the video, unfortunately we don’t have any current videos of the Unity plugin, but we planning to make them. You can use the 30-day free trial to test out the visuals, and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask.

Best Wishes,