Simul Support ExchangeCategory: External Plugin IssuesBinaries and shaders for Unity Github source version
Marko Barthel asked 4 years ago

Hello, how can I get the binaries dll’s and shaders for Unity’s Github source version of trueSKY? I saw, these files are available for the UE version.

Andrew Richards Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi Marko,

At the moment, we only offer the Unity plugin as a .unitypackage; our build and deploy system combines the DLLs and shader into that package.
We only offer our UE4 plugin as a binary download or as our UE4 source code on our GitHub; this still requires you to download the DLL and shaders.
To build the trueSKY DLLs and shaders you would a Pro Licence and source code access.

Hope this helps you out,

Marko Barthel replied 3 years ago

Thank you for the info Andrew. Any news for trueSKY 4.3 (HDRP) for Unity?