after having some issues with an older version of trueSKY, I wanted to give it another shot with the new version (4.3.e522695f8). My old issues seem to be resolved, however I’m still unable to get the demo applications to work.
The Vulkan demo refuses to work at all and simply crashes when trying to update a descriptor set somewhere:
The OpenGL demo crashes at the “RestoreDeviceObjects” call:
The DirectX12 demo does work for a split second, but the image looks corrupted and it crashes my graphics driver immediately after. I was able to record a video of it before the crash: https://pragma-engine.com/share/truesky_dx12_demo_crash.mp4
My graphics card is a GTX 1050 Ti (NVIDIA), driver version 451.67
All I did was download the SDK, generate the solution using CMake and build it. Is there some step I’m missing?
Any news on the update? My trial license has run out again, so there’s no way for me to check if it works now. Does the latest release include the fix?
Hi Florian,
I have tested the latest SDK download 4.3.be5481665 this morning. After building with CMake to a ‘build_sample’ folder following the ReadMe.md, I copied the pre-compiled binaries from the ‘build’ folder and was able to run from Visual Studio. For the “_MD” version of DX11 and DX12, I need to comment out the _tWinMain() entry point due to conflicts. I will look into the OpenGL and Vulkan samples now.
I will also look into extending your trial licence.
Thank you for your patience.
Hi Florian,
I have just tested the OpenGL and Vulkan _MD/_MT samples and I was able to run those from Visual Studio.
I did need to copy in the glfw3.lib into these locations in order to build:
I will look into this error with the SDK installer.
I hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
Thank you!
I gave it another shot, tried it with the latest version of glfw and that seemed to do the trick.
The DirectX version still causes my drivers to crash, I assume that has something to do with the issue you mentioned. I’m not targeting DirectX so this isn’t a huge issue for me, but I thought I’d mention it.
The OpenGL version works:
The sky is rather bright, however, and the text on the left is reversed for some reason. The demo also crashes when trying to maximize the window, but that appears to have something to do with the demo program itself, not trueSKY.
The Vulkan demo also works, but no terrain is visible and the sky is extremely over-bright:
I don’t have a reference for what the demo is supposed to look like, so this might not be an issue.
Hi Florian,
Thank you for your question.
I have notified the team of these issues.
Thank you for your patience as we address this.
Best Wishes,
I’m having the same issues. I downloaded 4.3, 4.2a and 4.2 but none of then work. Samples won’t even start… Also, the documentation is quite outdated.
trueSKY is such an amazing tool for Real Time Sky and Weather rendering but we can’t use it because of silly bugs…
none worked*
Hi Brhaka,
Thank you for your message.
I have downloaded and tested the 4.3 SimulSDK and I was able to run the DirectX11 and 12 samples, but not the OpenGL and Vulkan ones. However, I was able to run all of the samples in our repository.
We will have a new release of 4.3 coming soon. I will contact James to ensure that new SDKs will be available.
Best Wishes,
Thanks Andrew!
I look forward on implementing trueSKY on my OpenGL project.
I’ve used it on Unreal Engine for years and it’s a great tool!
Best regards,
Has the update for this been released yet? If not, is there an eta?