I’m seeing all of these youtube videos where there are very beautiful godrays happening in UE4 with trueSKY. I’ve adjusted the fog settings a lot and also have crepuscular rays set at max but this effect is not happening, how do I do it?
Ill take a look but I believe our godrays have been somewhat neglected. Ill see what I can create but if not i’ll get this looked into as I would also like to see great Godrays!
Yes I would say there are some issues with setup, ive marked this as a bug. Will update documentation when we release an update. Wont be available in the next update however.
Maybe some reference would help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fdgUH3eXak
Since there is no documentation for this I can’t figure it out on my own, the fog actors act strangely and exponential fog isn’t volumetric when you enable it. Seems as though the atmospherics need more work.