Unfortunately I’m having some serious performance issues in my VR project, and I haven’t had any luck trying to resolve them by messing with the Sequence Actor settings (even on the ClearSky sequence my frame times are spiking to ~13ms every update). I don’t really need real volumetric clouds — I’m not building a flight sim, just wanted a nice-looking dynamic sky and weather. So the “Render to Cubemap” option mentioned in the docs under performance/optimization seemed promising. However, I’m getting an engine crash as soon as I run the game after calling that node in my level blueprint’s BeginPlay event. The docs are pretty sparse as far as how to actually set this up, so I’m hoping I just did it wrong. Has anyone else successfully gotten this working? Here’s what I tried:
The crash occurs whether or not I actually assign the cubemap to a material and assign that material to a sky sphere. If this is an unknown issue, let me know and I’ll repro it again so I can grab the error message and callstack and add it here.
Hi Daniel, Apologies, this is a confirmed crash and we are looking into this, and we will hopefully get this fixed soon.
In regards to the performance – if you could grab a performance profile that would be great – easiest way is to use the “Get Profiling Text” blueprint, and then print that to console. Always helpful to know whats holding us up on different systems.
Thanks James, I’ll keep an eye out for updates! I’m running on an RTX 2070 Super, so was a little surprised that I couldn’t find feasible settings, but I’m also using an Index (lot of pixels to push) and using deferred rendering, so there’s a lot working against me. I’ll run a performance profile tonight and post an update with my results.
Hey James, I’m actually now having a new issue — I did some profiling and discovered that my distance field lighting was pretty expensive. So I unticked the “Cast Shadows” box in the TrueSkyLight to disable DFAO. This got me well within frame targets, but I don’t really want to scrap DFAO, so I did some other tweaking — reduced the max distance for distance field shadows, reduced the distance for the dynamic shadows and reduced the number of shadow cascades, then re-enabled DFAO. My framerate is great, but it appears that re-enabling DFAO is not having any effect. It appears in the editor window, but disappears as soon as I press “Preview in VR” (both in my headset and in the mirrored preview window). Confirmed that I wasn’t just imagining it by toggling the `r.DistanceFieldAO` property with the headset on — no change. When I first hit play, I can see the AO for a brief fraction of a second before it just immediately fades out. Tried restarting the editor, and also deleting all my lights and the TrueSkySequenceActor and re-initializing TrueSky — still can’t get the DFAO to come back. Is this a known issue? Is TrueSky not fully compatible with DFAO, and/or does it offer a replacement option? Sorry for bombarding you with questions. 🙂