Installed UE4 4.24 fresh
Made a blank Test project
Downloaded Truesky 4.2A latest version fo r 4.24
Installed Truesky
On opening Blank project in editor fail with message error
The procedure entry pointCreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library Kernell32.dll
Install a truesky 4.1 version and the project loads
My epic engines folders are not on C drive TRuesky installed to correct G drive Path
This will be due to Windows 7, which we no longer actively support. Apologies, we currently have no plans to support Windows 7 as Microsoft stopped supporting in January.
Thanks for the reply James,
Can you confirm that end users will / will not have to have win 10 to run any UE4 project built using Truesky 4.2A ?
or is this purely a Dev side thing ?
Just googled and estimates of 200-500 million win 7 users still out there….( most of my customers )
I’m not certain, the most I can test is Win7 Compatibility Mode through Windows 10, which works fine for me in editor and in play. Due to support for Windows 7 being discontinued by Microsoft, we have also stopped support. At some point our compatibility may have changed but we do not have current plans to fix that. Its something i’ll bring up, but unless there is a larger request, it is not a priority to check. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hi James
I realize that supporting an supposedly obsolete platform would not be high up on your agenda, but a win 10 req would be a dealbreaker.
Please feel free to email any win 10 created 4.2a packaged project and I will try to run it on a win7 machine.
I’m afraid It is a question that needs answering at some point in the very near future, STEAM for eg would not accept a Win!0 requirement.
Thanks Paul
Log from error
UE4Editor_TrueSkyPlugin!FTrueSkyPlugin::InitRenderingInterface() [d:\jarvis\uplugin\version\4.24\output\plugins\trueskyplugin\hostproject\plugins\trueskyplugin\source\trueskyplugin\private\trueskyplugin.cpp:4671]
UE4Editor_TrueSkyPlugin!FTrueSkyPlugin::EnsureRendererIsInitialized() [d:\jarvis\uplugin\version\4.24\output\plugins\trueskyplugin\hostproject\plugins\trueskyplugin\source\trueskyplugin\private\trueskyplugin.cpp:5020]
UE4Editor_TrueSkyPlugin!ATrueSkyWater::PostInitProperties() [d:\jarvis\uplugin\version\4.24\output\plugins\trueskyplugin\hostproject\plugins\trueskyplugin\source\trueskyplugin\private\trueskywateractor.cpp:295]