Hello, I apologize for my bad English.
I’m testing trueSKY with NvRTX / UnrealEngine, but after construction the sky is black.
I get this error during build.
TrueSky: Error: Null command context - this should never happen!
With 4.25 Niagara is standard in engine, please disable the Niagara plugin. If you need to use it, you will need to merge over the changes from our UE4 source branch
If this is Nvidia’s specific RTX branch, we currently have not attempted to be compatible – I dont believe there should be issues regarding, but there is possibility of conflicts. What version of UE4 are you using, as RTX support is realistically 4.24+.
I will bring this up for someone to take a look at the branch and see if there are conflicts.
If you are just talking about RTX support, this is supported with the plugin. Please let me know when engine version you are on and we can take it from there
Hello I use UE4 4.25
Thanks, we will have to take a look at this specific branch and decide how we want to proceed – will update when we have a conclusion