Simul Support ExchangeCategory: Sky and LightingBUG: Manuallly set sky colorurs do not work properly
Dmitry Kudrin asked 5 years ago

Hello, as you can see my Zenith color is hell-green, but it looks dark blue in UE4.

UE4 4.25, latest version of TrueSky plugin

Dmitry Kudrin replied 5 years ago

The sky is right color when I add a cloud keyframe. But now clouds have the wrong color.

Dmitry Kudrin replied 5 years ago

Changing of Zenith color do not change it now:

1 Answers
James - Simul Support Staff answered 5 years ago

What you will need to do is alter a different value to see the change to the zenith or horizon take affect take affect – this is a bug.

I will have to take a further look into the colours themselves regarding the cloudsÂ