UE 4.25, True sky UE4 plugin 4.2a.8309e0e24, NO ray tracing.
Postprocessing Voulume -> Screen Percentage 200% (!)
Capturing Movie. All translucent materials have offset, so they are just flying around objects where they must be. See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/so8x8a
This is how it looks in Standalone game mode – 3 of 4 screen parts are just black – the same bug I guess. http://prntscr.com/so99wm
If I change the screen percentage to 100% – everything is rendered ok. http://prntscr.com/so8yj5
If I remove True Sky from the scene completely – capturing with 200% screen percentage is ok. So the issue is definitely on the TrueSky side.
The same issue is in 4.24.
Hi Dmitry – I just gave this a test and the issue only appears to happen with larger monitor sizes (I tested on both a standard resolution monitor and a 4k one) – I’ve written up a bug and passed on the relevant information.
I do have a temporary workaround which should sort the issue for the time being. If you navigate to your Translucent render target within the trueSKY Sequence Actor – double click on the render texture, and increase the size of the texture to 4096×4096. the translucent materials should not be offset and this will also fix the 3/4 of the screen appearing black too.
Hope this helps.
Hi Chris, thank you for the info. I will give a try to this workaround.
But need to mention, that I have 2 fullHD (1080p) monitors, so no 4k monitor needed to reproduce this bug. I do not know why it appears only on 4k display by you…
If I may add, I managed to figure out and reproduce the issue in standalone builds (doesn’t happen in the editor for me) if the screen percentage is over 100% at 1080p.
@Chris, your walkaround leads to the disappearing of TrueSky Water completely. http://prntscr.com/sqakz8 So it does not work at all for me. Need a fix asap, please…
@Abi, thank you.
@Chris water disappears only by Movie Rendering (I need it very much), in Standalone game water exists.
And only in Movie render queue (new tool in 4.25), old Movie rendering works ok.
Hi Dmitry – we currently have some compatibility issues with the new rendering queue as has been mentioned by a few others in the community. We have reproduced the issue and will be investigating it. For now we would recommend to stick with the standard cinematic rendering if possible until we fix the issues. We apologize for any inconvenience.