As the title suggest, I think that buoyancy is ignored when using TrueskyWater with a custom mesh component,
when I clear the mesh and enable boundless, buoyancy is working.
I have tried setting the same mesh in “buoyancy mesh” in ‘trueskywaterbuoyancy’ component with same coordinates but it does not work too, although it seems that setting is not made for this purpose.
Can you confirm this behavior?
Hi ,
Do you have any feedback regarding this bug ?
I did not mention that I have tested to invert the normals of my mesh but it does not work either.
My custom meshes are FBX from Cinema4D
Hello Klimo
Custom Buoyancy meshes do not currently apply buoyant physics to the object that they are assigned to. Instead, they return a depth value for each given vertex back in the C++ side, which it is currently up to the user to use for physics calculations. There’s a good chance that in the future we’ll add our own calculations, however it’s currently not too high on our backlog
I forgot to mention my specs:
Truesky build : 4.26_4.3.fc88dd2c5_x64
unreal version : 4.26.2