as mentioned in the Title my question is if it is possible to change the TrueSky Water color to a color other than the three presets Ocean, Muddy and Clear? I do not really like the preset colors especially how they look during sunset and sunrise.
Yes, we have Absorption and Scattering variables in 4.2a+. You can adjust these to get any colour you would like
Hi, do you have any links to resources for real world examples of physically based values for these coefficients? I remember seeing a table for values for various water types years ago but can not find it now.
We are adding a colour picker in the next update (coming soon) – which should solve your issue for getting the colours you are after
Hi James, where can I find the Absorption and Scattering variables you mentioned above? I couldn’t find them in the sequence actor nor in the TrueSkyLight. I also checked the Plugin folder for a BP without any luck.