Hi everyone. How do I get smooth movement of the clouds? When I play my scene as well as the demo the cloud movement stutters, like it’s rendering a cloud frame every 1/2 second. Everything else in my scene is playing smoothly like intended. There must be a setting I’m missing. Thanks.
Hi Adam –
I’ve attempted to reproduce this locally using Unitys latest update and our most recent Unity Plugin but could not get a reproduction. I did not that the lighting became “choppy” towards sunset within my scene, which is something we are aware of internally and looking to get fixed in coming updates. I have updated that card with information from this Unity reproduction so when we find a fix for that it will hopefully come to both engine versions.
If this isn’t the issue your reporting can you supply a short gif or video showcasing what your seeing – along with versions of both which unity and which plugin version you are using so I can try to get a reproduction locally and attempt to get a solution or track the issue.