Simul Support Exchange โ€บ Category: External Plugin Issues โ€บ Connection Error. Can't connect to Simul server
Vic.FeelThere asked 4 years ago

Hello Everyone,

We are planning to use trueSKY for our our game, but when we try to register the demo within Unity we get the error above. Is there any solution for this or is it just a temporary glitch and we should just try it later?

Thanks in advance

Tristan N replied 4 years ago

Just to piggyback off this, my team is also evaluating trueSKY for potential use in Unity and are running into the same issue. Any feedback from the Simul team would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answers
Wayne Littler Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi Vic,

I have responded to your email regarding Slack support and I can certainly help with your connection issue but there are a couple of details that I need from you first. I have included what I need in the email.

Tristan if you can send me an email via I will pick that up and respond directly as I will need you to confirm some account details.

Vic.FeelThere replied 4 years ago

Thank you Wayne, I replied back to you.
