Hello sorry if this is a double post.. but I m experiencing a nasty crash in trying the demo..as soon as I input the license key ue4 crashes saying “GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed.
I have rtx 2080ti on 442.92 in windows 10 pro with 128GB Ram
We haven’t seen this issue reported before / are unable to replicate it locally (and unfortunately do not have 2080ti to attempt . Beyond suggesting regular fixes (such as updating your drivers, but it appears you should be o.k. in this regard). Potentially attempting to use a different version of trueSKY or alternatively attempting to use a different RHI with unreal engine (either dx11 or dx12 which can be changed by heading to the project settings in unreal engine, searching “RHI” within the search bar, and changing the default RHI to an alternate one).
If the issue is persisting could you attach the logs from the crash (found in the unreal project folder -> Saved -> Logs) so we can hopefully attempt to reproduce or resolve the issue.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Hi Chris.. thanks for replying.. i will try the RHI method you propose and share any logs i encounter..
aside from the RHI thingy.. what other trusky version can i install then? can I please have a link I can only find the latest version on your website
I just tried a new scene with raytrace OFF, hence dx12 would also be off… and now after inputting the serial it does not crash… so it seems your tool has an issue with raytracing? which would be a bummer..i really need raytracing to work.
Edit: Actually it does work with raytrace after i use dx11 to activate and then open another project but with raytrace on…but after a while of playing around if I open the trusky sequencer it crashes ue4 again.. please see link to log
Ive taken a look into this on both the publicly available and on our internal builds and I cant seem to get it to reproduce locally still. I’m glad you have managed to get Dx12 and raytracing working (even if it was only briefly). Taking a quick look at the logs you provided however something appears to have gone rather wrong on trueSKY’s end. I’ve put in an internal ticket with your logs attached, and will attempt to reproduce this further on my end, and get another member of the team to take a look and hopefully diagnose / fix the issue.
If you have any further pointers on steps taken / any potentially relevant specifics on the level or potentially affecting settings active it’d be a great help to help try reproduce and make sure our bug is as well documented as possible.
I’m also more than happy to extend your trial when it runs out once your issue is fixed so you can trial trueSKY out properly.
thanks alot for that..really..I REALLY want to get this tool :)..
also Im looking for more info/video on water object..but cant find anything on your youtube channell..do u have a water features..im especially interested in seeing wakes generated from things such as boats etc…
Glad to hear it. Our water documentation is slightly lacking. We have a short tutorial on setting up water buoyancy on the youtube channel (however latest 4.2a build has a bug in which buoyancy is not functioning correctly). I also have a tutorial ready to be released with the next update covering buoyancy for more complex objects (I set up a boat as an example) and how to set up stability within the water even in rough seas. 🙂
Hi Chris,
Im looking forward to that video, in the meantime i got the water to work by following YouTube video from the documentation..but in trying to have the same behavior of buoyancy i was unsuccessful…i (think) followed all steps show in the video to have a simple sphere fall down to the ocean and have it float (set it at 5kg like in the video)..and when i press play the sphere goes up instead of down…also when i put 10kg it goes down to infinity :)… is this the bug you were referring to in the post above?
What you guys did with the water is truly awesome stuff…i cant wait to play with boats.wakes/waves etc…
Im doing my tests without going into the sequence asset to avoid the crash..i really hope you will find the issue soon :).
Another question regarding licenses… i have 3 Computers and I’m a one man studio basically.. but i’d like to start teaching my wife unreal as well so she can help me in future jobs.. do i have to buy 2 licenses so she can also use it if the time comes or does the same licenses work on 2 pcs?