Simul Support ExchangeCategory: CloudsDisable at Runtime
pftq asked 4 years ago

Is there a proper way to turn off Truesky at runtime? Using visible or hidden in UE4 makes the whole screen flicker nonstop.

7 Answers
pftq answered 4 years ago

I updated to UE4.25.3 and TrueSky 4.1a.1d6536ddb_x64
Now the sky disappears but not the clouds.  Same thing happens without VR.

Alexey Shefer answered 4 years ago

Hello. Is there a way to turn off TrueSky? I ask it because turn visible off in LevelBlueprint is take no effect. It always load and then off. In properties of TrueSkySequenceActor I turn off Visible, Share Buffer for VR, Render Sky, Active in Editor, Instant Update, but every time then I run game it show clouds and then hide it.