I cannot for the life of me figure out the proper current method to get day/night cycle to function with TrueSKY in UE4 4.24 version. There’s no documentation anywhere that I’ve found to help me figure this out. Any current methods for making a day and night cycle focuses on sky sphere blueprints and takes a different method then what seems available for TrueSKY. I’m trying to do an open world game where time will pass, currently I cannot get time to pass. If anyone has answers or could just point me to where the answers are for the latest updated information on how to get time to move forward I would be forever grateful. I can’t find a single tutorial out there to help me.
Hi Ashley,
In our latest update, 4.24.3 and trueSKY 4.2a, we have added Time to the trueSKY Actor, along with a value called Progression Scale.
Adjusting progression scale to 1, will have the skies move in real time, so at that value it make take a while to see a result. It depends on your project what progression speed you would like. You could set it to 60 (1 minute/second) or even 3600 (1 hour/second). Progression scale will only apply at run-time.
Alternatively, you can adjust Time yourself with blueprints, such as a constant time progression or time jumps for certain events.
Hope this is helpful, I will hopefully get a general time progression Tutorial out at some point soon.