Hi – we’re having some issues with Truesky crashing a build.
Windows x64
Unity 2020.3.1f1
HDRP 10.3.2
trueSKY for Unity 2020 (trueSKY-Unity2020-4.3.031b8b187-x64.unitypackage)
Both IL2CPP and Mono
Both .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 4.x
Repro steps:
Create new Unity project, HDRP template
Change platform to Windows x86_64
Import trueSKY package
Restart Unity project(trueSKY cannot find some HDRP specific classes, a restart fixes that)
Open scene at “Assets/Simul/SimulTest/TestLevelHDRP.unity”
Going into playmode, it’s working as expected.
Start a build with the opened scene as the starting scene. Build parameters: Copy PDB files checked, Create VS Solution checked, Dev build checked. Everything else unchecked.
Open generated VS Solution
Start a debug session.
Unity crash after loading the scene:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB64917551 (TrueSkyPluginRender_MT.dll) in trueSKY Crash Test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000038.
Hi Sor,
Thank you for your question.
I have replied to your Bug Report via email.
Best wishes,
Hello Andrew,
Any updates or workarounds on this?
We have purchased a license but are unable to use it due to it crashing the builds.
Thank you for debug report.
We have had similar reports, which I have passed onto the trueSKY team.
We are making continual updates to the trueSKY Unity plugin.
Best Wishes,
Andrew Richards
Hello Andrew,
We were unable to find any email from you. Looked in the spam email folder too. Would you be kind enough to paste the reply on here?
The last reply we have from you is copied below:
Thank you for debug report.
We have had similar reports, which I have passed onto the trueSKY team.
We are making continual updates to the trueSKY Unity plugin.
Best Wishes,
Andrew Richards
Note this happens with the DEFAULT