Simul Support ExchangeCategory: Sky and LightingHow to use cloud shadow in Unity
Hawx Won asked 5 years ago

I’m currently using TrueSky 4.2.9b for unity (the 4.2a version doesn’t work correctly for some reason), but have no idea of how to use the cloud shadow , I tried to add the cloud shadow RT to the cookies of directional light, I don’t know if it’s the correct way,but the shadow will affect not only objects below but also above the cloud, in some cases, I can even see shadow where there’s no cloud in that area, I think this may not be the correct way.
Hope I could get some instructions, there are plenty of documents、learning cases and tutorials for UE4, but too little for unity

2 Answers
ASoftworks answered 5 years ago

Seems unity developers are not getting any support.

Hawx Won replied 5 years ago

*Sigh (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Andrew Richards Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Hawx and ASoftworks,

Thank you for raising these issues. We have identified others as well – including the documentation and we will be addressing these in the comings weeks. Please look out for updates for Unity.

Thank you for patience and understanding.
Best Wishes,