I need to use Vulkan so that I can build to Linux from Windows but I’m running into issues with TrueSky. I’m using HDRP on Unity 2020.3.0f1 LTS and have tried TrueSky 4.3.031b8b187 (both 2020 and 2019) and 4.2a.ad98a5953 (2019 HDRP). Out of all of those, I could only get clouds to properly show up with v4.2a 2019 HDRP. But when I switch from using Direct3D11 to Vulkan the game tab just shows a black screen.
Any suggestions?
We have made substantial changes to allow support for HDRP, which should be coming next week.
However, our Unity, while we have supported Vulkan in the past, we have not kept up to date with their changes. Our SDK does support Vulkan, and Vulkan support fix for Unity will be available soon after we release our next update. But currently and in our next release, I believe it to be unavailable.
But HDRP will have full support.
Good to know, thanks! I look forward to fully testing out TrueSky when Vulkan support for Unity comes back. 🙂
Do you have an ETA on Vulkan support?
I cant give an ETA at the moment, but I would imagine by the end of April we will have the update out with Vulkan support.
Partial functionality is still present, so I believe it could be a quick change.
Do you have an update to this rough eta?