I am randomly encountering major flickering above the whole screen.
The issues occurs right after switching levels. I go from one level to another by “open level”.
The true sky sequence actor is on a streaming level that is shared between all levels and is always automatically loaded.
If the flickering occurs, reopening the same level again has a fifty fifty chance to fix the issue.
Unfortunately, this seems to be completely random, and not truly repeatable.
It is an indoor scene looking outside btw the sundisc is not small.
Has anybody any idea what could be the cause of this issue or how to further investigate?
Thank you very much
My setup:
RTX 2080ti
NVIDIA Driver Version 451.67
Unreal Version: 4.24.3
TrueSky Version: 4.2a
From the currently known issues thread:
Justin Darlington answered 6 months ago
ISSUE: Uncommon DX12 + RayTracing Crash on Opening Scene
I was able to get around this issue by modifying the UE4 source code: https://github.com/JustinDarlington/UnrealEngineCust
James Evans Staff replied 6 months ago
Thanks for this, we’ll take a look
This seems very related to my issue.
Is this currently handled in TrueSky 4.2a, or is this still a known issue?
Thank you.
Hi Roman,
Thank you for your question.
Could I ask whether you are using the binaries or source for Unreal Engine?
Also, as you have a specific setup for your project, any logs, call stacks, screenshots or sample project files would greatly assist us in resolving your issue.
Thank you for your patience and understanding,