Hello. Can you add ability to offset position of Clouds or all world of TrueSky? For example I want to animate plane, but I don`t want to bring it up few km… I want to be above clouds and now I need to pos it up to big value.But working in zero values think is more comfortable. Something like cloudbase, but min value is -1 km and some veird stuff happens. Or how can I do it ?
Hi Alexey,
For the simplest solution, you can move the trueSKYSequenceActor in the world, as where this is positioned is considered ground level. This could help you get a better position for your scene. You may need to move it a very large distance if using correct measurement (Meters per unit is unchanged)
Alternatively, you could increase the Meters per unit – which would lower the scale of trueSKY within the scene.
We are aware of the bug at lower cloudbases and we are looking into it.
OMG, it is so simple… Why I am not try this? Exactly what I need. Thanks…