I was reading the document regrading truewater variables and despite of Reflection Distance being mentioned as a variable in the actor settings, I couldn’t find it anywhere in the settings. I’m making a big scene and adding to the reflection distance value would really help the scene visually! please let me know if this variable got removed or relocated to somewhere else.
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your question.
I will pass on this question to Michael, who works on the trueWATER.
Thank you for your patience,
That would be awesome. Thanks!
Hi Daniel,
I believe Reflection Distance is a 4.3 specific feature, apologies if you’ve come across it within the docs, we have been pushing to keep these up-dated and preparing them for the imminent release of the 4.3 version of the plugin.
Temporarily however, increasing your reflection steps within the trueSKY actor within your scene may reach similar results temporarily ~
Apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
Yes I figured that I can increase it by increasing the reflection steps. However I can’t give it a number higher than 10.
Anyways thank you so much for your support.
Ps: can you give me a proximate of when version 4.3 would be released?
10 reflection steps is quite a few, we have capped it there as it will be having a large performance hit at anything beyond 10 without much change in its result.
As for 4.3 we will announce it once its released across our social media channels and will be creating a post within this forum for its release.
Ok. Thanks a lot!