I am using the plugin trueSKYUE4Plugin_4.24_4.2a.8309e0e24_x64.exe and UE4.24
I want to use blueprint to control the sequenceActor ,But the question is :some properties is working (for example i use SetSkyKeyFrameValue and tne property is Haze) but most don’t work (like set rain strength ,rain to snow),how can i control these variables in my blueprint?
Thanks,Hope your Reply!
Hi zxh – I’ve taken a quick look into this and seem to have the settings working on my end. I realized that rain strength does not seem to function, however precipitation strength (within the same drop-down) will do what you are aiming for. As for the rain and snow that also appears to work on my end. I will investigate the rest of the settings to make sure they are all working as intended.
I’ll provide you with a screen-cap of my blueprint setup in 4.24 (though i also ported it to 4.25 to double check and it works the same). As well as a pastebin link for the blueprints so you can input it into your project (just copy the text and past it within the level blueprint). You will be required to connect new floats, but it shouldn’t be too complex to do if you use the screen cap as a guide).
A key point to note is to ensure that you are inputting the correct cloud layer in your “get next modifiable cloud keyframe UID” to ensure that you are in fact getting the active UID for the keyframe you wish to be edited (best way to check is to have a sequence with only one keyframe in it to ensure it is returning the correct value).
Link to Screencap – http://prntscr.com/t02dws
Link to pastebin – https://pastebin.com/7hd5z3HZ
Hope this helps and I’ll be more than happy to try help with any further questions.
Thanks for your reply,it helps me a lot!
btw,the ground fog is also not seem to function,hope you can check this function and the rest of the settings.Looking forward to the next update.