Hi. Is it possible to change this parameter at runtime?
So far the value changes but there is no effect… Thank you.
Be aware of storing the Unique ID on begin play (if that is what you are doing), as if this is done in a standalone game, trueSKY will not be initialized on BeginPlay – so a second of delay is needed before you can grab the UID and save it.
I will log this as a possible Water specific issue, and make sure you are not using Advanced water options as this is not compatible with Beaufort scale
Hi James
I’m talking about TrueSkyWater which I’m addressing as Get Actor of Class. And then cahnge the parameter. I mentioned that if I select the actor itself, I can see that value are changing from my blueprints, though nothing more then that.
Found that updates take place only if you run simulate instead of play. However changing values via blueprints doesn’t work still.