Hi all, I have been tinkering around with the UE4 plugin, and was wondering what the best setup would be for having both day time lighting and night time lighting.
Every time I attempt to go through night time, it’s either way to dark, or the lighting seems like it’s day time still, but the skybox and clouds are dark.
@Davis Engel Hi, can you show in detail how you did it ?
If you can make a short video, I will be very grateful.
I can’t make a video, but I can give you a few quick steps:
1: Make actor blueprint.
2. Access the TrueSky TIME variable by doing a “Get All Actors of Class”. This will drive your curve graph.
3. Make a curve that goes from 0 to 24 in time, and do another Get All Actors of Class to SET the TrueSky Sequence Actor’s Brightness level to the desired value on your curves at the desired times.
Let me know if you need to know more!
Do you think you could add this to the list of future fixes for TrueSky? It really shouldn’t be so black out there after 6pm and before 6am. I disliked the process of having to fix the unusual darkness with curves in a blueprint, and my fix still isn’t what I’d call perfect.
Thanks Simul,
What version are you using? I found 4.2a too black at night, but 4.1a I was able to get a nice blue tint instead – see: https://twitter.com/VRJetpackGame/status/1277043767971704832
I’ve always used 4.2, isn’t that their main product?
Glad you got good results somewhere. Those look nice.
I haven’t been able to get the same results with 4.2, so I’ve been sticking with 4.1 for now.
The answer to this one is not easy. I have the same issue with the software. What I ended up doing is making a blueprint actor that fixes up BOTH the TrueSky Skylight and Sequence Actor by inputting the time into a curve, effectively real-time adjusting the sky brightness and skylight amounts. I did this because my game will need a day/night cycle and I can’t have it get THAT DARK because the player can’t see what he is doing come 6PM every day.
This should be fixed in future versions, I don’t know why they haven’t fixed it already– several versions have gone by and the flaw remains!