I wonder, where to put my problems to get help from the community.
Anyway, when I am initializing trueSKY in Unreal Engine 4.24.3, my Editor crashes.
The log is available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xtzbS6Y6fKZTZld-tVM05u0QzDiu6jC0
I have installed the latest Version of TrueSKY (trueSKYUE4Plugin_4.24.1_4.2.feed0f868_x64).
The installation went without any problems.
I believe there has been a change in 4.24.3 that is causing this crash – and we will need to release a new version to support it. Apologies for any inconvenience.
This was true for a build that has been taken down, using the latest available download this should work without issue. Apologies for the download page, but here is a direct link
Thanks, I am gonna try it this evening.
So, I installed the 4.24.0_4.2.0 from your link and it still crashes.
I removed the directory C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.24\Engine\Plugins\TrueSkyPlugin before starting the installation.
After I clicked Window > initialize trueSKY and clicked the button initialize, it takes a few seconds and crashes.
You find a log under the following link:
Some info about my setting:
AMD Ryzen 7
Geforce RTX 2070
UE 4.24.3
Windows 10 pro 1903
Ill give this another go to see if can i replicate. Please make sure drivers are up to date.
I just installed new newest drivers from Nvidia (442.59) and it still crashes.
This link leads to the log:
There is some crashes with DX12 with the current public build. We have cleaned up all the issues we have found and these will be fixed in the next update. We are aiming for this week but cannot be certain. Unfortunately I will say for DX21 you will have to wait for the next update.
Thank you for the update.
I will be waiting patiently.
Stay fine.