Simul Support ExchangeCategory: CloudsUnity HDRP trusky simply doesn't work
ASoftworks asked 5 years ago

It doesn’t work, there are no sample scenes, theres not documentation for it.
Unity devs are not getting any support.

1 Answers
Andrew Richards Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi ASoftworks,

Apologies for the delayed response.
Please see the link to a picture of trueSKY rendering in HDRP.

The sample scene for HDRP is found in Assets/Simul/SimulTest/TestLevelHDRP.unity, where Custom Pass Volume scripts are attached to the trueSKY object.
Please note that the plugin was originally built against HDRP Version 7.3.1 in Unity 2019.3.7f1.
We will be updating our documentation soon for Unity and Unity HDRP.

Best Wishes,