I am testing Truesky in Unity 2019.3.1 (on Windows 10) but I am getting plugins error when installing package.
Plugins: Failed to load ‘Assets/Simul/Plugins/x86_64/TrueSkyUI_MD.dll’ because one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded.
Plugins: Failed to load ‘Assets/Simul/Plugins/x86_64/TrueSkyUI_MD.dll’ because one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded.
simul.SequencerManager:LinkDelegates() (at Assets/Simul/SequencerManager.cs:269)
DllNotFoundException: TrueSkyUI_MD
simul.SequencerManager.LinkDelegates () (at Assets/Simul/SequencerManager.cs:269)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallDelayFunctions () (at <c10752821eec4acbb89ccd53fbbc5e27>:0)
Do you know how I could solve this issue?
Thank you.