Simul Support ExchangeCategory: Sky and LightingWhat Unity + TS versions actually work?
Thomas Liberty asked 3 years ago

Which combo of Unity and Truesky version where a cloud + ocean cam be created will work? the only version of Unity not tried is 2021, all other versions have not worked.
also, Is Slack Support still active, Or is this the new support forum?

11 Answers
Thomas Liberty answered 3 years ago

Thomas Liberty answered 3 years ago

this iwhat the current scen looks like

Thomas Liberty replied 3 years ago

it would be helpful to include the steps to fix these errors on the default scene. Every thing was a simple install Unity HDRP, import truesky and open the demo Scene.

Wayne Littler Staff answered 3 years ago

Here you will see trueSKY with water. For help with adding water to your scene you can follow our documentation here:


Thomas Liberty replied 3 years ago

that does not help get past the first step of errors.
1 New outdoor HDRP
2 import TS
3 Initilize
4 result

Thomas Liberty answered 3 years ago

please provide a working demo or provide some useful tech support. You are barly providing any steps to trouble shoot why the most simple of scenes is not working.


Wayne Littler Staff answered 3 years ago

There are a few things that I cannot see in your images so please reach out to me on slack and I will give you further technical support. (Wayne_simul)

Thomas Liberty replied 3 years ago

thank you Wayne, will do that.