Is there a proper way to turn off Truesky at runtime? Using visible or hidden in UE4 makes the whole screen flicker nonstop.
Hi pftq – I’ve attempted to reproduce this on my end using blueprints. I did encounter an issue where altering the visibility check box within the sequence actor via blueprints did not clear trueSKY from the scene at all, and I have logged this internally to get it fixed. I did however not see any flickering.
Can you give some further info on which build / unreal version your seeing this in – as well as the blueprint set up if your using blueprints (if not then how your attempting to make trueSKY visible/hidden) that would be very useful.
Thanks in advance
UE 4.23.1 with 4.1a.d3d9c8
Just blueprints to set visibility to false. It’s consistent. Sometimes works fine, sometimes it flickers between on and off repeatedly until toggled back on. Same thing happens if active sequence is changed.
I’ve just ran some tests with the mentioned trueSKY version as well as a more up to date one (4.1a.40cf9a555) and could not get the issue to reproduce in either when using the following blueprint setup
This was when loading a new scene with the default unreal FPS mode.
Do you have any further steps as we have not had this issue reported previously, and out tests have not managed to get a reproduction. Do you have any further blueprints which may be interfering with the setting of visibility which could cause this flickering.
This is in VR in case it makes a difference on an RTX graphics card. The flickering appears to be TrueSky flipping between visible and not visible every other frame.
Ah, that changes things quite a bit. I don’t have a VR headset available to me (remote working), I am however visiting the office Monday, and should be able to give this a test with a VR setup. However as the other developers are also working remotely currently getting fixes and tests may take some time.
Apologies, I will update you with my findings on Monday.